Hola a todos!
I wish you a wonderful start into the new year!
todoListo just celebrated its first and third birthday! During the last year, todoListo got more features and the interaction was tuned to make your experience even smoother. Thank you for using and supporting todoListo so far!
Starting into the new year, you can learn how to work more efficiently and be happier with yourself in our new online course Get Organized in 7 Days
. After all, todoListo is just the tool, and I want you to make sure everyone knows how to profit the most from it.
This year I will continue to add more resources to help you improve your time management and enjoy everything you want and have to do. Let me know if you have wishes or suggestions by sending e-mail to feedback@todo-listo.app.
What are your New Year's resolutions? If you want to waste less time on unimportant things, but rather achieve those that really matter to you, join our free online course Get Organized in 7 Days! You will learn how to
And even if you are already well-organized with todoListo, send the link to friends, family and collegues who may profit from better time management and self-organization.
As a celebration of todoListo's first and third birthday, I take a look back at the development of todoListo and how it helped to create itself. The categories in todoListo are my main tool to organize my priorities and they reflect the different phases of the software development process. Join me on a little time travel and learn how you can achieve your goals by knowing your priorities and staying focussed.
If you are wondering how todoListo can turn one and three years at the same time, check out this birthday special on youtube!
You can edit several items (e.g. tasks or categories) at the same time by locking them. You see whether an item is locked if the lock symbol on the right of the item is active.
Once you have locked items, you can
I wish you all the best for 2025!
Hasta luego!